Last week of summer. Fall is upon us with the call of pumpkin spice lattes and yellow leaves. I love this part of Fall normally, but I honestly wish summer would last just a little bit longer. To get as much sun as I can before winter hits (which will honestly be just around the corner), I have been cycling most days after work. There is something really relaxing about going down the park paths and playing music on your phone, wearing headphones of course. Speaking of paths, my sister and I are going to Banff after the labour day weekend which I am super excited about. We plan on hiking the Sulfur Mountain Trail and Boom Lake trails. A girl's trip as you will, which will involve getting a bit sweaty and dust covered followed by good food at the local restaurants in Banff. My kind of vacation!
Anyway, to celebrate the last few nice days we have I made this yummy hot fudge. It is super quick and easy and goes great with coffee, vanilla or chocolate ice cream. My mum and I actually made a mud pie to go with it, which has an oreo crumb base like you would make for a cheesecake with three layers, two coffee sandwiching a layer of chocolate. Soooo good.

For this you dump all the ingredients in a small pot and bring it to a boil, stirring constantly. If you don't continue stirring with a whisk it will come out grainy instead of silky smooth.

Let is boil for 3 minutes then take it off the heat. Once it cools a bit, add the vanilla and voila! Hot fudge! Super yummy over this mud pie.

Anyway, enjoy! Let me know how you like it!
Hot Fudge
Prep time: 5-10 minutes
Makes: 1 C hot fudge
3/4 C white sugar
3/4 C cream
1 1/2 tbsp corn syrup (light or dark)
1 1/2 tbsp butter
3 oz unsweetened chocolate
pinch salt
1 tsp vanilla
Combine, sugar, cream, corn syrup, butter, chocolate and salt in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil on high heat, whisking constantly (if you don't it will come out grainy). Once it comes to a boil, turn the heat down to medium and continue to stir. Boil for 3 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool 5-10 minutes. Then add the vanilla. Pour over your favorite ice cream!
Will keep for 1 week in the refrigerator.